Once you graduate the Gracie Combatives program, we will see you in Master Cycle

Beyond Gracie Combatives® belt, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu consists of hundreds of advanced techniques organized into a clearly defined, systematic curriculum called the Master Cycle® The Master Cycle’s unique structure simplifies the journey to black belt by organizing all of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) into seven positional chapters (Mount, Side Mount, Guard, Half Guard, Back Mount, Leg Locks, Standing), each of which is studied for several months before moving on to the next chapter.

If you've achieved the rank of Gracie Combatives® belt or higher in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and you would like to continue on the path to black belt in a safe, structured, and friendly learning environment, the Master Cycle is for you!

FOCUS SPARRING - Yes, we spar! Safe, controlled, and 100% voluntary.
At the end of class, you will have a chance to test your skills against a variety of training partners in a variety of controlled training exercises, such as: Rapid Mastery Drills, Focus Sparring Exercises, and Fight Simulation Drills. Safety is the primary concern during these sparring exercises, and any students who do not train in a safe and productive manner will not be allowed to participate. Sparring is 100% voluntary for Master Cycle® students.

The Three Fundamental Questions

At Gracie Jiu Jitsu Eugene, the primary concern is to preserve the principles and techniques as they were developed and practiced by the Gracie Family so that they can be effectively taught to the greatest number of people.  Few schools, if any, share this concern for the preservation of the pure techniques so you must be very discerning when adding techniques and strategies to your arsenal.  To test the reliability of a new technique, ask the following three questions:

1. Can I apply this technique in a real fight against a striking opponent?

2. Is this technique energy efficient enough to be applied against a larger opponent?

3. Is this technique based on movements that are natural for my body?

If you cannot answer “yes” to all three questions, then you risk adding a technique to your arsenal that could lead to your demise in a street self-defense situation.

Final Warning

 Practicing tournament or sport techniques is risky even if you understand that they will not work in a real fight.  In a real fight, you must rely on trained instincts.  If you dilute your training with impure, unrealistic sport applications of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you will hinder your ability to respond quickly and effectively with the right technique.  Worse, you may reflexively execute a sport technique with potentially disastrous consequences.  While there is little harm in sampling other techniques to expand your understanding of the grappling arts, you risk developing bad habits if you practice these techniques to the point of developing reflexes.